
Pancake is proprietary software. In the following text, if not explicitly stated, "users" include both commercial and non-commercial users.

  • Users may use Pancake, without any payment. However, we will not hold responsibility for anything resulting from the use of Pancake.

  • Users should not use Pancake, to conduct any kind of illegal behavior.

  • Users may distribute Pancake, as a indivdual plugin or within a package, given that the distributor should not mislead end users and should make sure the end users know:

    • Pancake is included in the package, if distributed within a package.

    • Anyone can acquire Pancake, without any payment, from official downloading sites.

  • Users may offer support to Pancake, given that the end users are informed that:

    • Those who provide support to Pancake, are not affiliated with us and we will not hold responsibility for anything resulting from the paid support or use of Pancake, unless those support providers receive written consent from us.

    • End users can get free support from us, but without a guarantee in response time

  • Users may offer paid/unpaid services related to Pancake, such as support and tutorial, given that:

    • The service is priced fairly (if paid) and is not deceptive nor misleading. Otherwise we may explicitly disallow you from providing any service related to Pancake.

  • Users should not use/embed/link Pancake as a library in another product, for any purposes, unless have received consent from us.

Last updated